Notice Board

Permanent Notices

The following documents can be read and/or printed using the links below

1.    Click here to find the Fixture Card

2.    Click here to find the Match Application Voucher

3.    Click here to find the AGM Agenda

4.    Click here to find the AGM Minutes


Herts IBC

This Sunday’s match Oct 6th versus Herts IBC has been cancelled


Captains Day and LI singles at Putney Town

Due to a collection of reasons the Captains Day and LI singles at Putney Town on 15th September has had to be cancelled.

There is still matches on the fixture list so please get your applications off to Sean.

Please pass this information on to other members.

Jim Barr

It is with extreme sadness that I have to inform you that Jim Barr passed away yesterday after a long illness. To add to the sadness, I found out today while looking through the death notices, that his wife Elizabeth passed away on the 11th Jan 2024.

Jim was a fantastic asset to the Association, always there when it needed him. He was instrumental to every tour to Northern Ireland, bridging the gap between religious and political factions, so that we as tourists saw the best of Northern Ireland.

 Jim held many offices, with his club Limavady, Mayor of Limavady, President of the Irish Bowling Association, and past President of the world indoors.

Anyone who had the pleasure of being in his company, could not have met a better host, and with the help of his wife Elizabeth went away with a great memory.

He will be sadly missed. He was a one off. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time. 

 George Noon - The Funeral Arrangements

The funeral of George Noon will take place on 12th February at 2pm at Putney Vale Crematorium. Stag Lane. SW15 3DZ. And then afterwards at New Malden Sports club. Somerset Close. New Malden. KT3 5RG. 


Dear Members

 The 2024 Association AGM will be held on Sunday 28 th January 2024 at Putney Town BC. Commondale. London. SW15 1HP The meeting will commence at 10.30am. Please attend and have your say. The club is within the ULEZ zone. Please make sure your car is compliant. This can be done by visiting the TFL website.

The agenda and a copy of the minutes from the 2023 AGM can be downloaded from our website.

Yours truly

 Jim Collins
 Jim Collins
 Hon. Sec
The Secretary's message and AGM details

Please note that the AGM will be on Sunday 28th January 2024 at 10.30am at Putney town Bowls club. Commondale  SW15 1HP.

 As I have said in previous emails we need new blood on the committee, or the Association will fold. To date I only know of one member who has put his name forward to be on the committee.


A Message from Secretary

Unfortunately, the Captains day, Finals day at Putney Town on 10th September has had to be cancelled due to lack of support.

A plea from the Secratary for more support

Dear All,

I was at Putney Town on Sunday for the London Irish game. I am unable to play because of medical reasons. However, I was saddened that only 7 players for a 3-rink game turned up. 4 of the players had a 2and half hour journey to get there. God knows how long it took them to get home.

I really can't put into words what will happen to the Association if members do not put their names down for games, and honour your commitment. It will die.

I have not had a single email, or message regarding my comments regarding the future of the Association attached to the agm minutes.

Match vouchers can be downloaded from the website. Or you can contact Captain Sean Fallon on 07889 592945. Please get your names down for games.


 Yours Sincerely




The 2023 Indoor Mini Internationals

Hello All, 

Just to let you know that the Irish retained the Indoor Mini Internatinal yesterday.

We beat the English 62-40, then the Welsh 78-36 and the Scots 61-51.

Thank you to all who attended.


 The FUTURE of the Association

Dear All,                                                                                                                                         Feb 2023

 On the attachment you will see the minutes of our last AGM. It was very sad that those attending were the committee plus one member. As you will see some of us will be serving our last year in office. We need new blood to survive and for members to take up positions within the Association. It looks like an EGM will be called at the end of the outdoor season and if by then we do not have offers of help, I am afraid that it will look like the Association will fold.

Yours Sincerely,

Jim Collins

Jim Collins Hon Sec





 The new LIBA Captain

 Hello all,


Just to keep you up to date. Sean Fallon has kindly agreed to take over as Captain. He will need all the support you can muster. Our next match is against Century and we are still a few names short. Sean can be contacted on 07889 592945 (he has not got an email address), or send your voucher to


 7 Grove Close,

 Chalfont St Peter,


 SL9 9JY





LIBA Rule change agreed at the AGM

At the AGM held on 20th Jan 2019. A proposal was put forward to allow females over the age of 14 years to become members. This was passed. Female applicants must meet the same criteria as the male bowlers. But they will not be eligible to play in the Indoor and Outdoor Mini Internationals An updated application form is on the website to be downloaded 

A plea for more support from Members

Just a reminder that the outdoor season has started, but members are still not getting their names down for games. This is a members Association and without its members it is nothing. Please get your vouchers off to Captain Nigel, Penn ASAP. If we do not for fill these fixtures we will loose them.

Notice for the Attention of all Members

It has come to my attention that members are putting comments and moans on social media regarding some aspects of the fixtures that the Association play. If any player has a complaint regarding a game they should in the first instance contact the committee, who would if required contact the host club with the members complaint. It only takes one silly moment of madness or a remark put on social media, which can then take ages to repair. So I therefore ask all members to think twice before putting anything on social media. I must also remind the membership that any member who the committee thinks has brought the Association into disrepute will have his membership cancelled.

Jim Collins. Secretary